Infrastructure Technology Solutions | Customer Testimonials
Satisfied K-12/Managed Services Customer
“ITS has been a valuable partner in our technology endeavors. In addition to their outstanding technology support, they provide guidance regarding purchasing, assistance in budgeting and training for our staff. In an ever-changing technology environment, ITS keeps us ahead of the curve.”
Tom Keating, Principal, Xavier High School
Satisfied Consulting Customer
“We couldn’t be happier with how things are going. We really have a sense of trust with you and (ITS Employee), and we feel very comfortable with the services you are providing us. Keep up the good work.”
Rod Kramer, Century Building Products Inc.
Satisfied Offsite Backup Customer
“The remote backup services provided by ITS were easy to set up and monitor. After our business was flooded out in downtown Cedar Rapids, we started using ITS for our offsite data backup. I now feel our data is safe and secure and that this is the best insurance I’ve found for continuous protection of our data.”
Jim Thebeau, Partner, Henry Russell Bruce Strategic Marketing, Cedar Rapids