This is an uncertain time for businesses and schools alike. This school year may be a little different from past ones and many schools are preparing for a year of virtual learning.
ITS Recommendations:
A reliable camera with smart capabilities
There are a lot of options for cameras to live stream a classroom. For ease of use, ITS recommends using a camera on a device with smart capabilities. A popular option for classrooms that use iPads is to use an iPad to take the video. You can also use an iPhone if there is not an iPad available to use.

For the best sound quality, use an external microphone that will help block unnecessary background noises and amplify the instructor. While devices such as your iPad and iPhone have microphones built in, playback on these internal microphones tend to sound a little bit tinny. Using an external microphone can give you a more professional sound.
ITS recommends to use a case that will hold your device and also attach to a tripod. These case options will also allow you to attach a microphone and and flash if you wish to do so. A filmmaking case like this for the iPad makes it easy to get started in your virtual learning environment!

A tripod is a necessity for your live stream setup. Tripods enable you to set up and tear down quickly, and hold your device for a steady video. A filmmaking case is compatible with most tripods, so if you’re using one of those to hold your device, you don’t need to purchase a special type of tripod.
ITS can help you get set up for the coming school year. Give us a call today and let us know how we can help!

Phone: (319)465-4463 | Email: info[at]