A client stopped by our office this week for some IT support, and looking up at our wall of TVs above our cubicles said, “What’s that? The stock market?”
He was pointing to our Internet graph, the third in a series of digital displays that monitors key functions at ITS.
At a glance from most vistas within our office, we can see the status of our servers downstairs in the datacenter, alerts paging and clearing from client connections, the status of specific backup sets running from client locations, our 3CX phone dashboard to help us see the availability and location of our technicians, our helpdesk ticket queue, and our bandwidth graph.
While all of this content is also available to us internally through a web browser, the high-visibility helps us see trends in data, multi-task with more efficiency and stay motivated to keep the graphs/data levels in ideal zones.
In addition to similar SMB installs for clients using digital displays for internal company communications, SMB and K-16+ are also using digital signage to stream live events, display social media feeds, and provide wayfinding directions.

Can Digital Displays enhance productivity at your workplace? Some of our favorite uses:
- Keep employees engaged and educated – display policies, procedures, upcoming meetings, etc.
- Display goals and data to keep employees motivated and team-oriented
- Connect and communicate between various teams and create a community, even provide ways for staff to interact and provide feedback
- Spotlight individual and team successes
- Monitor/track inventory – company vehicles, staff location, inventory, etc.
- Build awareness – safety messages, global news that impacts your line of work, or office trends that staff should recognize
- Study breaks!
Our Digital Display solutions work with several third-party apps and platforms, or often have embedded toolsets to help clients create and display their specific content. Contact ITS to get started on your Digital Display project!